Jan 14, 2020

User Management — Troubleshooting LDAP Authentication If trouble is encountered getting a connection to an LDAP server, there are several things to check. Most of the time it is trouble-free, but in particular, LDAP with SSL can be tricky. Certificate error connecting to LDAP server - Deep Apr 13, 2020

Sep 30, 2010

"SECJ0418I: Cannot connect to the LDAP server ldap" seen Sometimes during start up the application server fails with the following sequence of errors: SECJ0418I: Cannot connect to the LDAP server ldap://LDAP.SERVER.COM:389. SECJ0136I: Custom Registry:com.ibm.ws.security.registry.ldap. LdapRegistryImpl has been initialized SECJ0418I: Cannot connect to the LDAP server ldap://LDAP.SERVER.COM:389. Solved: Unable to contact LDAP server - Cisco Community I cannot figure it out and TAC cannot figure it out. TAC seems to think it is the DC rejecting the LDAP request by resetting something in the transaction between the DC and ASA. I am doing some digging to determine if I have missed something in the configuration of my 2012R2 server.

That specifies URL of a LDAP server consists of hostname on which LDAP Server is running port number. A well known port number of the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol is 389 which is default. Also need to specify some environment properties for the connection and authentication in a Hashtable object. Here is the sample code:

Oct 17, 2015 LDAP Communication Error | SonicWall The SonicWall establishes a TCP connection with the LDAP Server on Port 389 (or Port 636 if using TLS). The SonicWall binds to the LDAP Server, authenticating itself using the DN (Distinguished Name) format of the Login User Name and User tree for login to server. EXAMPLE:the name in the LDAP BindRequest is cn=SWAdmin,cn=Users,dc=rowley,dc=com.