Jun 30, 2011 · Using this module will allow you to only have your 'My account' link visible to registered users, and hide it from anonymous users. The module uses the exact same UI used for block visibility settings for familiarity. Similar modules. Menu per role - Only cares about user roles for visibility, not extendable, and not a re-usable UI.

There was a need for adding additional fields (text & image) along with each menu item. This was to highlight the content of certain pages in menu drop-down itself.Addition & updation of menu was expected to happen in Drupal dialog (popup). Challenges. By default, there is no option in Drupal to create menu as per role. 2:01How to hide the user login and "Powered by Drupal" blocks; 3:40How to add a "log in" menu item to the user menu; 2:04How to enable a menu block and hide a block title; 1:28How to hide the secondary menu (user menu) 5:20What permissions are and how to modify them; 4:40How to configure search and how cron runs work; 2:22How to add a new user This code isn't working for me i am using drupal 7 i want to display a home image in place of text "home" menu button. I have uploaded the image file on the server and I have replaced my theme with sky .. still not working please help I am new to drupal With the introduction of Drupal 7, developers may encounter a puzzling problem involving custom menus: imagine that you have created a custom menu — such as a list of secondary links for the footer of a website — and at least one of its menu items is pointing to a node. You think of an improvement to that node's content, so you edit the node and save the results. But its corresponding menu (Later, I realize that the Menu per Role module wasn't necessary to hide the navigation menu block, so the module isn't actually used on the site.) Configuring access To make sure that only editorial staff access content I made some changes in the access control - particularly de-selecting "access content" for anonymous users.

Menu link title− Specify the name of the menu item. Path − Specify the URL path of the page which you want to display. Description − Description about the menu link. Enabled − It enables the item to display on menu. Show as expanded − If it consists of sub menus, then it will be displayed under the parent menu item.

(Later, I realize that the Menu per Role module wasn't necessary to hide the navigation menu block, so the module isn't actually used on the site.) Configuring access To make sure that only editorial staff access content I made some changes in the access control - particularly de-selecting "access content" for anonymous users.

Mar 02, 2013 · The Drupal 7 Special Menu Items module allows the adding of placeholder and separator menu items. In this episode you will learn: - How to use the Special Menu Items module to create a placeholder

Oct 01, 2014 · Overview This module allows you to restrict access to menu items based on user roles. It is used when you don't want to copy your whole menu just because for one specific role you want to hide one menu item. The module will add a fieldset with options for restricting access or gaining access to menu link for a specific role/roles. Features Show/hide menu item for specific role/roles Sep 14, 2017 · Enter Menu Item Role Access, this module allows you to control access to specific menu items. What Menu Item Role Access does. This module adds an optional role field to menu items which lists all of the available roles. A user who has access to edit menu items will then be able to select the roles which have access to see this menu item. What This lesson provides a way in Drupal 7 to hide or show an individual menu item based on the location of each visitor. The use case for this example was to show a Shop menu item to visitors in New Zealand and Australia, and hide it for visitors from all other countries. Pre-requisites. Install and configure the IP2Location module. This allows